No Traveller Returns

Dad had always found his own personal meaning in Shakespeare's line "No traveller returns." To him it suggested, not only the one-way journey into death that every human will experience, but the fact that no one returns to the places, people and situations, they once knew without all undergoing significant change. Indeed, in 1942, my father could never have guessed at the joys and heartaches to come. Like all of us he ventured into the future never to return . . .
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Yondering celebrates a line of demarcation in my father's life - the wanderer becoming a storyteller. More than anything else what he wanted in the early 1940s was to be allowed the time to perfect his craft and to set the foundations of a successful career. But all the literary potential of that period was snatched away on the first Sunday of December 1941.
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Off The Mangrove Coast

Some of Louis' Most Personal Stories - Louis' life and early careers took him across the country and around the world. His experiences inspired many of his short stories. Beau L'Amour shares his memories and even his own journey working with his father's manuscripts.
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Bendigo Shafter

Exclusive Photos - Louis' research took him all over the world. At times he was simply exploring, learning, soaking up atmosphere. At other times he was specifically investigating ideas and memories of location, geography, flora and fauna.
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Last of the Breed

Beau L'Amour's unfinished Graphic Novel Adaptation of Louis' Novel - "While I was working on the Graphic Novel version of Law of the Desert Born I started to create a Comic Book Script for Last of the Breed, thinking that it might be our next project."
. . . Beau L'Amour
Continued . . .

Reilly's Luck
Reilly's Luck TV Mini-Series - An investigation and discussion of the novel for the purposes
of a mini-series adaptation by
Beau L’Amour.
Reilly’s Luck is one of Louis L’Amour’s most complex and personal stories. It contains significant aspects of Louis’ own life and is constructed around the contrasts between the two halves of his life and career.
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The Californios

"Concept" Page from a
Television Series Bible
by Beau L'Amour
Continued . . .

Haunted Mesa

"Concept" Page from a
Television Series Bible
by Beau L'Amour
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Son of a Wanted Man

"Concept" Page from a
Television Series Bible
by Beau L'Amour
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The Walking Drum

A Brief Synopsis for a potential Mini-Series - This twelfth century adventure story was a New York Times Hardcover Bestseller for over four months when first released. Edgy, picaresque and youthful, it has distinguished itself as a classic in the genre and, in almost thirty years, has never been out of print.
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How the West Was Won

In Defense of "How The West Was Won" - Though the Old West is not really very old, few were as well versed in its lore as Louis. In this addendum to the extremely interesting and fact filled piece of correspondence now included as a post script in the novel, where Louis makes the case for many of the differences between an early draft of his novelization of How the West Was Won and the movie itself, Louis lists factual events which support his argument.
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Discovery - Louis' travels and research took him to many "out of the way" locations and he came across some amazing sites.
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End of the Drive

Rustler's Roundup - . Louis often hand drew maps to aid him in keeping the blocking of his characters straight. In addition he would write a short synopsis complete with character names, descriptions, and some story details he wanted to make sure to include . . .
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