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BEAU L'AMOUR'S COMMENTS: The Lost Treasures Postscript contained in Callaghen is almost entirely about Dad doing the on the ground research for that novel. below are some photographs of us exploring one of the many weird land forms we encountered on those trips to the Mojave desert.
I have the haunting memory of leaving our motel while on that trip and crawling around the bridge abutments in a spot where the highway approached Baker, CA. I was just ten years old and in the car Dad had been telling us of how, as a young man, he had slept under the cover of a nearby bridge where a wash cut under the road. I have no idea if it was exactly the same place but, as I crept around in the shadows, I came upon a hobo or tramp of some sort curled up in the shade where the slope met the supports for the bridge. I froze, and he cocked an eye at me, neither knowing what the other was going to do next. I backed away and he seemed to go back to sleep. Running back to the motel I told no one but somehow felt that I had had a strange interaction with a world that my father had been a part of more than forty-five years earlier. Oddly, this is the first time I have ever mentioned that episode to anyone ...
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